OpenCV Face Detector.

How does OpenCV Face Detector can identify faces in a picture?

For face detection with OpenCV you use pre-trained deep learning face detector model shipped with the library.

OpenCV ships a pre-trained Haar cascades that can be used for face detection…

But, In August 2017, OpenCV 3.3 was officially released, bringing a improved “deep neural networks” module.

This module supports a number of deep learning frameworks, like Caffe, TensorFlow and PyTorch.

The primary contributor to the dnn module, is Aleksandr Rybnikov.

Rybnikov has included a more accurate, deep learning-based face detector, the Caffe-based face detector.

Face detection in images with OpenCV and deep learning

In this post we show you an example of face detection with Einstein’s picture. The face detector has detected Einstein’s face, the creator of the theory of relativity with a probability of 99.74%

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